EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 October
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso
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Text File
111 lines
Short: Preview of Gobi Software new, powerful game.
Author: Gobi Software
Uploader: coder@mat.uni.torun.pl (Marek Lech)
Type: game/demo
This is preview of new game by Gobi Software called XPEDITION.
XPEDITION is sort of action, arcade and shoot'em out game.
- Fast, and smooth playfield scrolling
- 64 colors graphics
- huge objects (Bobs)
- very big levels
- lots of sound effects
- and many, many more ...
It's tested with A1200 in many configuration, however it should go with
any Amiga with 2MB Chip RAM ( or even less Chip RAM but we didn't tested
it in that configuration, because we have problems to get access to
earlier Amigas then A1200 and it is only preview version and it would
be changed many times until we relase full version ).
It should run on Kickstart 1.3+ .
Have a nice time playing this preview
Gobi Software
Ps. If you feel you must to contact us please send message by EMAIL to
Distribution note:
This preview is freeware, so feel free to distribute,copy,etc. it.
To archiwum zawiera wersje preview nowej gry firmy Gobi Software
zatytulowanej XPEDITION.
XPEDITION jest mieszanka wielu typow gier miedzy innymi zawiera elementy
gier akcji, przygodowek i strzelawek.
Cechy programu:
- szybkie i plynne skrolowanie ekranu
- 64 kolorowa grafika
- wielkie objekty (Boby)
- naprawde wielkie levele
- duzo efektow dzwiekowych
- i wiele, wiele innych cech ...
Gra w obecnej wersji byla testowana na A1200, chociaz powinna pojsc na
dowolnej Amidze wyposazonej w 2MB pamieci Chip RAM (byc moze takze na
Amigach wyposazonych w mniejsza ilosc pamieci typu Chip, ale tego nie
testowalismy bo mamy klopoty z dostepem do wczesniejszych modeli Amig
niz A1200, a do czasu wydania pelnej wersji gry wprowadzone moze byc wiele
zmian )
Zyczymy milych chwil spedzonych z XPEDITION
Gobi Software
Ps. Jesli poczujesz, ze musisz koniecznie sie z nami zkontaktowac w
zwiazku z ta gra, wyslij EMAILa na adres: coder@mat.uni.torun.pl
Notka prawna:
To prewiev jest typu freeware, a wiec mozesz je rozpowszechniac, kopiowac,
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
129438 91312 29.4% 21-May-97 17:17:46 +mod.xpedition
15886 10957 31.0% 23-May-97 23:11:28 +mus1
11690 7253 37.9% 23-May-97 23:11:50 +mus2
15436 11352 26.4% 23-May-97 23:12:02 +mus3
132272 107160 18.9% 23-May-97 23:12:12 +sfx
2323 830 64.2% 23-May-97 12:10:12 +broï2.asc
1780 1270 28.6% 04-Apr-80 16:13:38 +RTDD
524 36 93.1% 21-May-97 17:05:38 +am 8.font
2676 1253 53.1% 21-May-97 17:05:38 +8
1136 940 17.2% 23-May-97 23:06:48 +beczka
31148 10670 65.7% 23-May-97 23:07:00 +cywil
34986 17267 50.6% 23-May-97 23:07:10 +czerw
41570 12528 69.8% 23-May-97 23:07:18 +gadgets
48824 24606 49.6% 23-May-97 23:07:28 +jaszczur
11560 7490 35.2% 23-May-97 23:07:36 +larwa
38828 11876 69.4% 23-May-97 23:07:48 +main
113258 44119 61.0% 23-May-97 23:07:56 +mariner
4426 2672 39.6% 23-May-97 23:08:10 +mina
59940 38930 35.0% 23-May-97 22:32:56 +misja1.16
69476 25993 62.5% 23-May-97 23:10:40 +objekty_2
2020 546 72.9% 06-Mar-97 19:42:26 +paleta.pal
103652 32029 69.0% 23-May-97 23:08:34 +podîoga
5758 2603 54.7% 23-May-97 23:08:46 +purchlak
33160 19326 41.7% 30-Mar-97 15:28:28 +radar.64
30928 16329 47.2% 23-May-97 23:08:56 +robi
12060 5556 53.9% 23-May-97 23:09:04 +robot
72158 51259 28.9% 21-May-97 15:16:58 +tytuî
9876 1608 83.7% 08-May-97 11:57:58 +inst.asc
15340 9009 41.2% 27-Dec-04 15:18:46 +diskfont.library
4280 2486 41.9% 02-Sep-92 11:51:32 +mathtrans.library
10272 1141 88.8% 23-May-97 22:23:02 +test2.arm
20100 444 97.7% 23-May-97 22:23:02 +test2.glb
20100 4606 77.0% 23-May-97 22:23:00 +test2.map
20100 3223 83.9% 23-May-97 22:23:00 +test2.obj
195408 86670 55.6% 23-May-97 23:05:32 +xpe
3322 270 91.8% 23-May-97 22:36:14 +xpe.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1325711 665619 49.7% 28-May-97 19:58:38 36 files